Peanut Butter Overnight Oats (just the recipe)

If you’ve been looking for the perfect Peanut Butter Overnight Oats recipe, without having to scroll down forever just look at it, you’ve arrived! Peanut Butter Overnight Oats are capped with a layer of banana & a kiss of cinnamon. In the morning, swirl together for an addictive, but healthy, breakfast .  Without further ado,… Continue reading Peanut Butter Overnight Oats (just the recipe)

Easy Peeling Hard Boiled Eggs

stuck-on shells are the bane of egg lovers

The perfect hard-boiled egg – It seems like it would be such a simple thing to prepare; yet many despair of ever getting it right.  For easy-peeling hard boiled eggs, use the traditional method: place eggs in a pan, add water, boil, turn down heat, cook 12 minutes…but a few small details make the difference:… Continue reading Easy Peeling Hard Boiled Eggs