British Beans on Toast

British Beans on Toast - a cozy fave from the other side of the pond

If you’re having for a hard time finding a British Beans on Toast recipe, it’s because it’s more of a throw-together than an actual recipe; but sometimes we really need to see a thing written out, right? British Beans on Toast blends sweet, comforting baked beans with the hearty crunch of fresh toast.  To save… Continue reading British Beans on Toast

Homemade Caramel Popcorn (just the recipe)

If you’ve been looking for a just-right Homemade Caramel Popcorn recipe, without having to scroll down forever just look at it, you’ve arrived! Homemade Caramel Popcorn will remind you of the old favorite, Cracker Jack.  Without further ado, here’s the Homemade Caramel Popcorn recipe (a more compact, printable version appears below): Homemade Caramel Popcorn Recipe:… Continue reading Homemade Caramel Popcorn (just the recipe)

Homemade Kettle Corn (just the recipe)

If you’ve been looking for a just-right Homemade Kettle Corn recipe, without having to scroll down forever just look at it, you’ve arrived! Homemade Kettle Corn is made on the stovetop. Sugar and salt melt and coat the kernels during popping.  Without further ado, here’s the Homemade Kettle Corn recipe (a more compact, printable version… Continue reading Homemade Kettle Corn (just the recipe)

Honey Popcorn (just the recipe)

If you’ve been looking for a just-right Honey Popcorn recipe, without having to scroll down forever just look at it, you’ve arrived! Honey Popcorn is a more wholesome version of caramel corn, which uses honey in place of corn syrup. Without further ado, here’s the Honey Popcorn recipe (a more compact, printable version appears below):… Continue reading Honey Popcorn (just the recipe)

Making Popcorn on the Stove (just the recipe)

If you’ve been looking for a just-right method for making popcorn on the stove, without having to scroll down forever just get the info you came for, you’ve arrived! Making popcorn on the stove doesn’t take much longer than those microwave bags. It’s a fraction of the cost, & is actually good for you.  Without… Continue reading Making Popcorn on the Stove (just the recipe)

Homemade Popcorn (basic guide for success)

If you’ve been looking for a simple guide to Homemade Popcorn, without having to scroll down forever just to get the info you came for, you’ve arrived! Homemade Popcorn is fresh every time, & embodies all the prime snack qualities: salty, crunchy, flavorful. Plus, it’s whole grain & costs pennies.  Without further ado, here’s the… Continue reading Homemade Popcorn (basic guide for success)