Truth Bomb: how to save money on water bottles

The convenience of personal water bottles has turned America into Hydration Nation….but how can you keep that convenience and dump the high price tag?

By far, the most affordable way to have a personal water bottle is to buy a reusable bottle, keep it clean, and refill it from your tap water.  Yet, since there is a range of prices on disposable bottles, careful shopping is a way to keep that convenience and still save money.  A compromise solution would be to fill your reusable bottle from large, disposable bottles of purchased water. 

You can feel the difference in your health from staying regularly hydrated, but is it really necessary to pay so much for water?  There are many options for this healthy habit, and I’m certain that I have one that will work for you – and your budget- so read on, and start saving money on water bottles today. 

Is it Cheaper to Buy Gallons of Water or Bottles of Water?

If you’re going to buy bottled water, the general rule is that the larger the bottle, the less you will pay for your water.  

I compared the cost of Poland Spring water at Shop Rite supermarket.  This is not the cheapest brand, but it comes in many sizes, which worked well for this comparison.   If you figure out the per-gallon price of each of their products, the little 8 oz. mini bottles were the most costly, at $3.75/gal..  Twelve ounce bottles were quite a bit better, at $2.50/gal.; but the 17 oz. bottles were the best of the individual sizes, at $2.05/gal..

Compared to these prices, though, the gallon bottle is a rock star, at $1.60/gal..

Are 5 Gallon Water Jugs Cheaper than Bottled Water?

If you’re talking about the kind of big jug that fits on top of a dispenser, that is one exception to the above rule.  You will pay about $3.00/gal. for that water, plus a higher electric bill from running the refrigeration unit 24/7.  

If, however, you’re just looking to expand on the “bigger is cheaper” rule, there is hope.  Poland Spring offers a 2.5 gal. disposable bottle will run you on $1.48/gal..  As a bonus, this size has a nifty little dispenser tap, making it possible for even the youngest members of your family to get their own water, without trying to manage that awkward gallon jug.

Is it Worth Buying Expensive Water?

Not necessarily, although some would disagree.  The only water in which I can taste a difference is that which comes from Europe, especially Italy.  Because of this, I have a personal preference for Perrier, which I occasionally buy as a treat.  I wouldn’t depend on it for regular hydration, though, unless I had a lot of disposable income!  Besides, I get the feeling that it wouldn’t make a good cup of tea.

Some of the more expensive brands boast that they contain balanced electrolyes.  My impression of this was it sounded like a lot of hype; but upon reading the reviews, I discovered that this is highy favored by people with delicate digestive systems.  Some with acid reflux and other conditions say that this is the only type of water they drink, as it doesn’t lead to heartburn.

The good news is that highly rated water does not need to cost a fortune!  Just look for phrases like “spring water,” “aquifer,” and “naturally occurring minerals.”  Brands such as Poland Spring, Glacier, and Deer Park are all fan favorites without the high price.

Note: reviews for great taste on one particular leading brand, Nestle Pure Life, were glaringly absent.  I mean, nobody hated it or anything; but the highest compliments for the Nestle brand seemed to revolve around the fact that it was delivered to the house, and is wet.

What is the Cheapest Water Brand?

Some of the least expensive brands tend to be Deer Park, Glacier, Poland Spring, Dasani, and Nestle.  This can vary, depending on your location. The specific brand changes by the week. Read on, to see how that works. 

How to Get the Best Buy on Water Bottles

I wasn’t too specific on the last question, because the brand that is truly the cheapest is always the one that is on sale at one of your local chain stores…and there is always one on sale.  In fact, this is one type of sale where you never need to stock up.  

Remember, though – For the best buy in town, with zero shipping costs or high gas prices, just turn on the faucet!

Are Water Bottles a Waste of Money?

With all factors considered, water bottles are a waste of money on a scale that our ancestors would have considered scandalous.  I mean, water comes out of the tap for free, folks.  

The only time I find them useful is when we lose our electricity in a storm, since we also lose our well and all refrigeration whenever that happens.  Then, bottled water becomes a useful source of sanitary water for drinking and toothbrushing, while I’m trying to sort out other problems, like keeping the house warm and the lamps lit.  In fact, any time sanitation is a concern, disposable water bottles are not a waste of money; not compared to getting sick from drinking unclean water.  

If you have a weakened immune system, do not cut corners, when it comes to buying a water that will be safe for you.  The CDC offers the following shoppers’ guidelines for purchasing water that will be sanitary enough for your special needs:

Look for the following types of treatments for bottled water that protect against Cryptosporidium: reverse osmosis, distillation, filtration with an absolute 1 micron filter”

Centers for Disease Control

Keeping your Water Bottle Sparkling Clean

It’s important to keep in mind that reusable water bottle must be kept extremely clean.  The Doctors website describes an experiment, in which they tested glass, metal, and plastic water bottles for traces of microbial growth that could potentially sicken a person.  They found stuff growing in every bottle, such as…

…traces of several kinds of bacteria as well as yeast and mold. Make sure that [the reusable bottle] is not designed with hard to reach areas. Also, if you have the kind with a lid and attached straw, this is a potential breeding ground for mold as well. Once mold sets in, it will just keep growing and growing. For people with allergies and asthma, it can create a real problem!”

The Doctors

A couple of handy, little tips for keeping your water bottle sanitary – After washing, even in the dishwasher, use a wooden spoon to push a dishtowel down into your bottle to swab out some of the wetness.  It’s also good to have at least two bottles, so they dry out fully between uses.

How Much Money Do you Save by Using a Reusable Water Bottle?

How much money will you save by using a reusable bottle, instead of buying disposable water bottles?  That’s easy – All of it!  Minus the cost of your reusable bottle, of course.  

When I lived in an area where the water had a chlorine taste that I didn’t like, we bought several Brita water filtration products. We had the pitcher for a while,  before we bought a fridge that had a built-in Brita system. That was great, although it was a pain to clean.  I also had a Brita water bottle. If you get the filters in bulk from BJ’s, it’s still way cheaper than disposables. 

It’s also easier to clean your Brita products than it is to keep lugging home all those cases of water.  If you want to do a good deed, stop and help a fellow shopper who is struggling to load a case of water bottles into her cart.  You may save her from hurting herself!

Is Tap Water Better than Bottled Water?

It’s a popular misconception that bottled water is healthier than tap water.  Surprisingly, even some bottled waters come from a tap, somewhere!  As I mentioned in the previous section, the plastic of purchased water bottles can be a health concern, as well.  

According to the Blue Cross/Blue Shield Federal Employee Program,

Overall, tap water is less apt to contain dangerous chemicals, like microplastics. It is also cheaper and better for the environment. That being said, tap tends to be the best choice in most circumstances. If you want to make sure that your tap water is safe to drink, try using a home filtration system to get rid of any contaminants that may be in the water supply.”

Blue Cross / BlueShield

What is the Best Reusable Water Bottle?

There is a great variety of reusable water bottles on the market.  You wouldn’t think something that has only one job would have so many options, but you will have to decide which features are important to you.  

The top consideration is whether you want an insulated bottle.  This type is far more expensive, so it’s much more painful if you lose it.  They are great bottles, though.  A good-quality insulated bottle will keep your water cold all day.  They don’t sweat, either.  

Many people will only use insulated bottles, because they are made of steel, rather than plastic.  The possibility of cancer-causing microplastics is enough to keep some from drinking any beverage out of plastic.

As far as leaking, some do and some do not.  Another down side of insulated bottles is that they usually need hand-washing.  Two highly preferred brands of reusable insulated water bottles are Hydro Flask and Iron Flask.

If you are just looking for something simple, durable, and inexpensive to tote your water, a plain, hard plastic water bottle would be a more afforable choice.  Nalgene is a popular brand of hard plastic water bottle.  People like them, because they are very tough, and can go in the dishwasher.  

If your child loves sports, he would likely be very happy with the Gatorade water bottle.  Kids favor them not only for the popular logo, but also for the design of the bottle.  The bottle is sturdy, but just soft enough to squeeze out a satisfying flow of water from the top, without their mouth touching it.  Plus, no fussy gaskets or gross straws.  The whole thing goes in the dishwasher.

A fun choice in simple water bottles is WaterWeek (by Reduce).  This is a set of five reusable bottles (matching, but with different designs) that come with their own fridge tray.  People like that they can fill them all up on Sunday night; and then go through the week, enjoying the convenience of pre-bottled water.

Resources for Further Exploration

By Gail McGaffigan

Gail was raised in a traditional, one-income family. She and her family have been living happily on one income since 2004.

1 comment

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