5 Reasons Why I Bought (& am keeping) Stock in Rumble (RUM)

Learn why this mom took a shot on a new tech stock

Six months ago, I made a bold decision – I‘ve never earned much with my writing, so I thought maybe I could grow my little fortune with some investing. 

I opened a Robin Hood account, and bought shares in a handful of stocks. You can guess how it went from there…but the stock I believed in the most, I still believe in. I still feel that Rumble (now RUM) is my best shot at seeing my efforts pay off. Here are five reasons why:

1. Rumble has Held its Value Over this Year

Out of my little portfolio of 10 stocks, Rumble is the only one that has actually gained value since the start of this year. Rumble started 2022 at $10.83. As of this writing, it’s at $12.25. 

2. Rumble is Growing

With most companies in trouble right now, and cutting back what they develop and offer, Rumble is growing, with such in-demand products as as cloud and e mail services. 

3. Rumble Cloud Set to Take on AWS

The development of Rumble Cloud, alone, is enough to make Rumble worthwhile. After what Amazon Web Services did to Parler, people are definitely looking for a freer, more secure cloud alternative. 

4. Rumble is a Major Player in the Up-and-Coming Parallel Economy 

By investing in Rumble, I am investing in the “parallel economy.” As Dan Bongino says, there needs to be alternatives to the mainstream monopolies on everything. We need to vote with our dollars against companies that profit off of us, and use the money to fund destructive, “woke” policies. 

5. Rumble is a Great Product

Rumble shares my business values. They believe in freedom to create and express oneself. They also understand that porn is not part of free speech. Concerned about “hate speech?” Rumble has 3 special buttons for any speech one hates:

  • ◀️Press this one, and one can actually exit the page!
  • ⏹This amazing feature stops the video!
  • ⏸This one will pause the video, until one can recover from the shock and horror of learning that others do not share one’s worldview. 

I’m no financial expert, but I’m very excited about my little investment in Rumble. Success in business requires being in the right place, at the right time, and filling a real need with the right product. Imagine if I’d bought 10 shares of Apple, when they were just starting out…

By Gail McGaffigan

Gail was raised in a traditional, one-income family. She and her family have been living happily on one income since 2004.